As we begin 2020, I wanted to send a message along to you offering my well wishes for a prosperous New Year. As I settle into my new venture as Chairwoman, I thought it was the right time to share my thoughts on CALEO and our future.
I plan for a seamless transition with a few minor changes in how we do business. You can see from the following schedule that we will be adjusting the number of monthly meetings and topics, in hopes to better suit our members’ schedules and needs.
As we move forward, we will continue to evaluate how we operate and make the appropriate adjustments as needed for the betterment of the organization. You can trust that I, along with the members of the board, will always have the best interest of the organization and its’ members at heart before making any decisions.
It is important to me that we continue to improve this organization and use it as a tool to aid all of us in our law enforcement missions. The CALEO organization is as strong as its members make it and I am always open to suggestions and critiques from our members.
I also want to thank each and every one of you for your commitment to the organization as I know it is not the easiest during the changing times in law enforcement. I look forward to the New Year and leading this organization to continued success.
ANNUAL DUES increased to $30 for US and Canada in 2020
Tracy SteenTracy SteenCALEO Chairman 2020/2021